Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Detox Weight Loss Tea

Most of us who drink detox weight lose tea can say it works, however, there are dietitians and doctors who are skeptical and other that see that it does work. It has been found that herbal tea's and detox tea's are not harmful to you. You should realize that your body will eliminate all of the harmful toxins over a period of time, if you do drink herbal tea, herbal detox tea you can speed up the release of these toxins and free radicals.

It has been scientific proven that we consume chemicals from our food, water and the air we breath in and these chemicals are found in the cells, fat cells in our bodies. It has also been found that these chemical compound are in the cells and fat cells in the meat we eat. It is also found that we have pesticides and many pollutants are in our cells.

If you are on a diet which lacks some certain nutrients could also stop our bodies natural ability to eliminate (detox) chemicals and this will lead to a larger build up in our bodies.

Did you know there are 7 major organs that can aid in removing the bad toxins from our bodies by the detoxification process. The 7 major organs are the skin, blood, immune system, liver, kidneys, colon, and the lungs. Almost all detox tea's are made up of herbs and they can assist in cleansing one or more organs at a time. The solution is you need to know which organs needs to be cleansed and then selecting which herbal blend will clean that organ.

When you choose a detoxing diet you will want to consume as few calories as possible and also include fasting to help you lose weight fast. This normally will not work as you will regain the weight and a few pound on top of that. When I want to lose weight I will fast for 3 days drinking a herbal detox tea and drink 8 to 10 glasses of purified water. Then I stay on the detoxification part of the program and I eat fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables and fish or chicken. I do not eat anything that is added to the vegetables like butter sauce or cheese, I want to season all my food.

You should be taking the herbal detox tea's mainly to detox your body. By drinking detox tea it will help to remove the toxins in the cells in your body so it can be remove when you use the bathroom. There is some suggestion that the bad toxins in your body can possibly hamper weight loss by slowing metabolism and decreasing the thyroid function.

Should you have one or more of the following symptoms you may need to detox your body and they are fever, joint pains, headaches, sluggish, foul smelling stools, if you are not having a bowel movement at least daily, and at least once a year just to cleanse your body.

It is recommended you should learn with products will work on which organ in your body to help detox properly. Or you can read the labels on the products when you are ready to purchase them. I have a book that I use when I want to cleanse a certain organ. But again I do a complete detox twice a year to keep my body running properly.

From Wikipedia

Weight loss, in the context of medicine, health or physical fitness, is a reduction of the total body mass, due to a mean loss of fluid, body fat or adipose tissue and/or lean mass, namely bone mineral deposits, muscle, tendon and other connective tissue. It can occur unintentionally due to an underlying disease or can arise from a conscious effort to improve an actual or perceived overweight or obese state.
Detoxification is an alternative medicine approach that proponents claim rids the body of "toxins", accumulated harmful substances that are alleged to exert undesirable effects on individual health. Detoxification usually includes one or more of: dieting, fasting, consuming exclusively, or avoiding specific foods (such as fats, carbohydrates, fruits, vegetables, juices, herbs or water), colon cleansing, chelation therapy, or the removal of dental fillings. Body cleansing is not supported by science, with no medical benefits demonstrated, and is based on questionable or disproved scientific claims. The toxins are usually undefined, with no evidence (or inappropriately used testing) for toxic accumulation in the patient.

Monday, March 21, 2011

How Can I Lose Weight?

Losing weight can be tricky. There are large number of people who are unhappy with their weight problems, most of these people do not know how to change it, most feel they would be better off by remaining where they are now. You want to look like that man or women you see in the movies, magazines, TV, this may not be all that healthy for you. You can not take a pill or a magical potion to make you look like some one else.

A large amount of people think they need to join a health club or gym, or buy special meals, or buy pills or supplements so they can lose weight. Here are some ways to lose weight without all of those things. There are a few simple ways to to lose weight.

The first thing you can do is eliminate eating processed foods. It has been proven that processed foods have a large amount of additives like salt, sugar and other unhealthy and unnecessary ingredients. We find that these foods are very tasty and can be easy to make and these foods can pack on the pounds.

You need to get rid of the soft drinks as they have useless calories. Soft drinks are made with corn syrup and is used as a sweetener and if you drink too much of this can be very bad and harmful to you health. If you stop drinking soft drinks can reduce the belly fat that is related to insulin fat. You can also stop drinking bottled teas as again you will eliminate the corn syrup from your diet. If you want to drink tea make it yourself and either drink it straight or add honey and refrigerate it.

You should stop drinking coffee and start drinking herbal tea's. Herbal tea's normally do not have any caffeine and they have the good antioxidants which can help with fighting cancer and the free radicals in your body.

You can also drink herbal detox tea's this will also assist you in eliminating the large amounts of waste in your intestines and in a few days you will lose anywhere between 3 to 10 pounds of weight.

You should drink more water. Water will hydrate you and aid in getting rid of the impurities from your body and you can also feel full. If you are like some of us that dose not like the taste of water you can a sprig of mint or a slice of lemon.

You should eat breakfast every day. It is important to eat breakfast, as this will get your body going and you will not be starving yourself. You should also eat a piece of fruit and a couple of glasses of water.

If you eat snacks they should be healthy snacks. If you want something salty you should eat a hand full of nuts. If you want something sweet eat some carrots or some fruit as they will fill you up and it will be healthy for you. Are you someone that needs candy, eat some dark chocolate.

Without the caffeine and soft drinks you will be able to go to sleep easier at night, and you need the extra sleep.

By doing these few things you will have a much better and healthier life style and you will reduce your waistline. By following the above you will find you will have the nutrients your body needs and you will eliminate the foods that makes your body sluggish. You will also notice before long you will start having more energy and your clothes will feel looser.